The Bridge by Kay Wyne

The Bridge
Oil on 18" x 18" Gallery Wrap Canvas
This painting was inspired by a photograph my husband took as we were sitting in traffic ready to cross the the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It was a clear, windy day and we had a great time traveling around the California coast! I had researched the color of the bridge...according to my findings, the bridge is painted with a Sherwin Williams color #6328, Fireweed. I went to a local Sherwin Williams to check out this Fireweed color....and I really don't think the bridge is actually Fireweed. According to the paint swatches, Fireweed is a deep, rusty brick red....almost brown. So I mixed my own colors to what I remember and according to our photographs. This painting has a new home in Plano, was a Christmas gift to a friend who traveled with us to California. Fun trip, good I hope that this painting will be a reminder of our trip when it is viewed. Thanks for viewing this blog, and feel free to visit my personal blog.....
