A Rose Is a Rose by Nancy Medina

A Rose Is a Rose by Nancy Medina

A Rose Is a Rose is another step forward in the rose journey that has been under way for a few months in Flower Mound Studio. What to name a red rose in a red pot? Rose on rose came to mind, and then Shakespeare was the next logical thought. I chose journalism as my professional trade as soon as I finished college, but my love of books and words came much earlier. My mother used to read stories to my sisters and I and all of our friends every day at naptime. I remember seeing her in the rocking chair with my baby sister Jackie in her arms, and a book propped in her lap. She read quietly, and confidently, and she gave every word the ability to pull me into another place.

Mom is still in the hospital this week. Each small step in her recovery from pneumonia is cheered and measured by whether she ate today, how much, did she want to sit up, and did she have a few moments when she wanted to talk and laugh. We are hoping she will be home very soon, back at the farm, where she belongs. I hope all of your loved ones are well and happy this season. Cherish the time you have with them.


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