Guarding the Castle - Original Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Guarding the Castle
5x7 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

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 Every now and again when I'm setting up a still life, I get these silly little ideas in my head about what could be happening at this moment in time if these object where actually alive. Today was one of those times. While setting up my still life, I had this idea that the little lemon was fending off the tomatoes who were trying to get past it. I'm not sure what triggered this thought, but I think it was the way the vine on the tomato looked. Then I thought, well, if the lemon is a guard he needs a shield, so I went outside to our lemon tree and picked a couple of leaves off of it. I figured the one leaf leaning on the lemon is his shield. The other ones are various weapons that the tomatoes knocked out of his hands. Once this story played out in my mind, the title was pretty easy to come up with.

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