Make Like A Tree... - Original Oil Painting by George De Chiara

Make Like A Tree...
5x7 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

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 Last night, I was watching Richard Schmid's DVD "The Capital Collection." This is a wonderful DVD with artwork spanning most of Schmid's career. He narrates the DVD with stories and the history of each painting while throwing in a lot of interesting little tips along the way. During the presentation of one of his floral paintings, he talks about the importance of painting leaves and how they can make or break a painting. A few slides later, another floral painting come up, and, again, he mentions the how the leaves really make the painting. With this in mind, I thought I would practice painting leaves of various types and colors. I have to admit this is one area where I usually struggle.  Sometimes I try to get by with more of an impression of the leaves then an accurate rendering of them. By doing a painting of pretty much nothing but leaves, I was forced to concentrate on them and learned a great deal about painting them.

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