Navaho Dreams...

These are the first 3(almost finished) pieces of a series that I think will eventually consist of 9. Each piece is a 16x20 gallery wrapped canvas and I am unsure whether to sign them on the front since they can be placed vertically to equal effect. I have been thinking about this series for some time now. My goals were to use a much more limited palette than is my custom, and to use colors evocative of the Southwest and Indian weavings. Fortunately, for me, they are also my favorite colors. I have decided to market these individually although I think they would look awesome in a grouping. I was initially going to put a resin over these when completed, but have decided against it. I have really enjoyed taking a break from my usual landscapes and diving into the world of abstracts. Sometimes these pieces take on a life of their own, in a sense, painting themselves through me as some sort of "medium". Thank you for viewing. If you would like to make an inquiry, please contact me or through my website or blog.
