White Pelicans

                                                       White Pelicans

   Pelicans look like they can be an awkward and clumsy bird.  In flight pelicans are some of the most graceful of birds.

   My husband and I were in Rockport, Tx. not too long ago.  Some fisherman was cleaning their catch of the day and the seagulls were diving into the water for their catch of the day.  Not far away from this entire seagull action was these white pelicans.  I took several photos of the activity going on.  In this painting I liked the way the pelicans are back lit.  Even though it was a very warm day, the shadows of the pelicans in the water appeared cool.

   This little painting is 5x7 on 300 lb. watercolor paper.  You may purchase this painting for $75.00.  Thank you for viewing my art. White Pelicans

                                          © Ann Hoffpauir
