SOLD ~ Dream Sunflowers by Texas Flower Artist Nancy Medina

 Dream a Dream Sunflowers
by Nancy Medina

Oil on Linen Panel

I am still waking up each morning, 2 weeks after quitting my 6-figure corporate job, living a life in between. Between the time when I should have put on my office clothes, braved the Dallas traffic, and spent my day in a glass building and instead am now waking up with snoring pugs curled around me, the sunshine streaming in, and knowing that my day will be filled with art, packing and shipping paintings, ordering paints, cleaning brushes, and moving through a life filled with color. 

I'm walking into the wilds away from the corporate jungle, 
with my eyes wide open, and hoping for the best.
I remember the moment when I was a senior in high school, when my parents asked me what I really wanted to be when I grew up. I told them I wanted to be an artist. We were standing outside, in front of the house, in the driveway, and it was around 5 pm, I could tell from the light and the position of the sun. Sometimes we understand without even knowing it when a pivotal moment occurs in our lives, when some small act, or statement, has significance that will resonate years later, a memory that will survive the detritus of time. I remember that moment as if it were yesterday. And I have finally arrived at the brink of that dream. I do not know if I will survive financially. But I know that I have leaped off the treadmill and chosen a path of freedom. I'm walking into the wilds away from the corporate jungle, with my eyes wide open, and hoping for the best.

 The studio models take a bow!


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