So Many Cows - So Little Time

Individual panels 6 X 8 - overall 16 X 12
Check With Artist for Availability
There seems to be concern among my friends for my growing obsession with cows. I still love the horses, mind you, but I have truly acquired a huge appreciation for cows - particularly those that provide us with milk.
We own a milk cow - Abbey. I SHOULD say, "Abbey owns us". Our life now revolves around her. "Yes, I can plan that shopping trip with you, but I can't leave before 9:00 am. I have to milk the cow first."
"Yes, we can go to Colorado for a week in August. Abbey will have had her calf by then."
"No, I cannot get that new easel. I have to buy hay for Abbey."
You are getting the drift. And hopefully I am growing stronger bones and a better immune system drinking her fresh milk.
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