Jimmy Longacre_subjective realist landscape paintings_DAILY PRACTICE
I find my small daily exercise paintings, like this one, to be my best source of experimentation and inspiration. My first step is to decide on what I'm trying to learn during the session, which lasts up to 2 hours. Then, before I paint, to give it the same design considerations and emphasis I would a larger painting. The nice thing is I can learn as much doing these small paintings as the larger ones. The biggest pay-off has been how it keeps me discovering and focusing on things in my work that are developing daily. When paintings go badly, as they occasionally will, it isn't as emotionally depressing as when I've invested a lot of work in a larger painting. Painting the small studies every day lets the bad ones tell me what I need to work on next.
©Jimmy Longacre 2016
6x8 oil on canvas panel
Jimmy Longacre
subjective realist landscape paintings