Jimmy Longacre_subjective realist landscape paintings_WHAT'S IT ABOUT?

Knowing what I'm trying to accomplish in a painting is primary for guiding every other decision I'll have to make in creating a composition.  If I'm simply beguiled by an attractive "thing" (tree, barn, creek, whatever…), I'll wind up taking dictation from that thing without thinking through how I can compose it so that it will emphasize what I find beautiful about the scene.  That, for me, is the fun and satisfaction in painting.

Almost without exception, composing requires stopping to think about what I want to say and what I have to work with.  It's rare that I find something that's ready to paint just as it is.  For instance, I may try several ideas for cropping the scene and identifying the focal center.  I may then want to remove unrelated clutter, rearrange what's there for better size and balance relationships, or any number of other things that I feel will give my primary concept emphasis.  I find that my best paintings are about one thing, and one thing only.  That concept must be the star of the show. Everything else plays a supporting role, and a lot of what's there won't even make the cut, when I've answered the question, "What's it about?"

©Jimmy Longacre 2017
12x16 oil on canvas panel

Jimmy Longacre
subjective realist landscape paintings

MY BLOG: Paintbox & Easel

Fredericksburg Art Gallery Fredericksburg TX
Capital Fine Art Gallery Austin TX
