Sam Houston, a Texas Hero, oil painting by Texas artist V. Bridges-Hoyt

© Vernita Bridges-Hoyt
Sam's Room
The Law Office of Sam Houston, Texas Hero
Huntsville, Texas

This painting depicts the historical log cabin interior of the law office of Sam Houston located alongside his house in Huntsville, Texas. Painted from a photo taken through the door on the south side, the painting includes a desk, two chairs, law books, and the interior logs and window on the north side of the cabin. A gun powder horn hangs from the chair. History has it that Houston, also known as The Raven, would not allow any woman to enter the law cabin, not his wife nor any female servant. The dog trot residence and the law cabin are on the historical register along with the Steamboat House where Sam Houston died. All three structures are located in a park across from Sam Houston University in Huntsville, Texas.

20"x24" oil on canvas

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