Texas Bluebonnets Oil Painting by Niki Gulley

"Surrounded by Bluebonnets" ©2010 Niki Gulley
12" x 24" oil painting

Bluebonnets in Ennis, Texas on a beautiful clear day. I thought it was important to get both the red barn and the pond in this painting to set the scene, so in order to balance all of that weight on the right hand side of the picture, I chose a panorama format to include the trees and driveway on the left side of the property.

I'll have this painting and several other Texas landscapes at Southlake's Art in the Square this weekend. I hope you can stop by! artinthesquare.com

Visit my website at NikiGulley.com

Or e-mail me for more information at Niki@NikiGulley.com.


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