Bella Blanco - Geranium Still Life by Nancy Medina

Bella Blanco - Geraniums by Nancy Medina
Oil on Canvas
Available in My Daily Painters Gallery

Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

It's been a busy weekend in Flower Mound Studio, celebrating the hubby's birthday and coming home to a neighborhood with no electricity last night. It was an interesting way to learn that we could not get into the house, because we had no key to the storm door or the back door, and the garage opened only with the use of electricity. After a few hours in the dark getting acquainted with the mosquitoes, the CoServ folks were there to save the day, or the eve.

The pugs were quite glad we had decided to stop all that pointless puttering around outside instead of being indoors with them, where we belonged. Hats off to all those hard working people who come out in the heat, cold, and awful weather and at any time of the day, just because it's their job. They sure are tougher than I am!

Take a peek at my art blog today to see the flowers that inspired Bella Blanco!


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