Carnations - Original Oil Painting by George De Chiara

3x5 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

Over the weekend my wife and I went to a few garage sales to see what type of still life subjects we could find. The picking were pretty slim, but we did find this little vase. For this painting, I simplified the design since I wanted to work on the shape. I'll save a more detailed painting for another time. We had a few carnations around the house, so I added those and then got to painting. I've been keeping a very loose count of my daily paintings, and, according to that count, this is daily painting number 99. I need to double check to be sure, but I've very excited to be just about at the half way point for my goal this year.

To read more about this painting please visit my blog.

Visit my web site to see more of my work.

If you would like to purchase this painting visit my auction here.


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