Trio de Rouge - Poppies by Nancy Medina

Trio de Rouge, Poppies by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board
Available in My Daily Painters Gallery

Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Trio de Rouge Poppies is a new painting drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio. On Friday, a dear painty pal, Judy Mackey, and I will head out to the Dallas Arboretum to paint plein air. Painting outdoors can be a real eye opener to the little things mother nature hides from all but the most observant. While painting these poppies one morning plein air, I heard a "pop!" and there was a little poppy egg, freshly hatched, lying at the base of a newly unfurled bright orange bloom. I captured a photo of it for you on my art blog today. I'll bet there is an interesting scientific name for this but I love the idea of poppies hatching from eggs, don't you?

I promise to share photos from our exciting plein air adventure on Friday on my blog, so stay tuned! I'll be the lady in a goofy hat with paint on her nose.


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