Heartsong Geraniums by Nancy Medina

Heartsong Geraniums by Nancy Medina
Oil on Canvas
Daily Painters Gallery

Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog

Heartsong Geraniums has been in the works for over a year. I started with geraniums in an orange pot and then decided on a radical change and painted sunflowers over them. Today as I stared at this canvas that I've battled for months, it occurred to me the blue curtains truly needed the red flowers. So I mopped over the whole mass with a lovely brown mud and pulled out some red geraniums again. I do think that a painting that arrives in layers is always more interesting in the end. Maybe the eye can see microns of color beneath the surface, more than we give our vision credit for? Take a peek at my blog to see the flowers that inspired Heartsong.


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