Petals on Parchment Sunflowers by Nancy Medina

Petals on Parchment Sunflowers
by Nancy Medina
Oil on Canvas

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Petals on Parchment is a revitalized painting, I added brighter yellows and popped out the highlights on the parchment paper yesterday evening here in the studio. The Christmas cookie smell kept drawing me away, and today we wrapped up packages of Russian Teacakes with bright bows in clear cellophane. There is just something about clear cellophane gift baskets that says "yay - this is a great gift!!!"

We've never had a holiday that didn't include a trip to World Market to buy their nifty baskets on sale, along with all the trimmings to make up unique baskets for loved ones. My mom got spicy hot olives with jalepenos, assorted hot sauces from around the world, pistachios, walnuts, roasted peanuts, summer sausage, and butter cookies with dried cranberries. The best part about her gift is getting to partake! It's great to have a generous mom. I hope you have some fun deliveries planned in the near future, and lots of delicious holiday goodies coming your way.


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