Zippo by Sheri Jones

Zippo by Sheri Jones
10 x 10 oil on canvas

I created this as part of the challenge Michael Naples posted on Daily Paint Works this week. The instructions were to paint this lighter using burnt siena, ultra marine blue and white. I was surprised you can get such a wide range of values using such a limited palette. It was a fun challenge. I painted this with a palette knife. This is available for purchase. $100.00
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** Paintings of Light and Energy***

Artwork by Sheri Jones

The Historic A.P. Gordon House
308 East Pearl Street
Granbury, TX
Exhibit Open
Weekdays 9 a - 6 p
Sat. 10 - 3

Artist Reception
Friday, February 25, 2011
6 p - 9 p


David Forks said…
Very nice painting Sheri... exceptional handling of the pallete knife. I really like it.