The Old Texaco - Original Oil Painting by George De Chiara

The Old Texaco
8x10 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

This week I'm participating in the Waxahachie Plein Air Event with 60 other artists. Starting last Saturday with the Quick Draw event, we have all been busy painting around town. I did participate in the quick draw on Saturday, but in the rush to get my painting done, I forgot to get a photograph of it.  I'm planning on doing another blog post about the quick draw, so for now I'll just leave it at that and talk a bit about this painting. I spent some time Sunday afternoon driving around Waxahachie looking for places to paint. I found a few good-looking spots at Lake Waxahachie, but with the holiday crowds I decided to move on. Heading back into town, I drove up and down some of the main streets running through the downtown area. Then, on a whim, I thought, why not try this side road and see where it goes. Boy, am I glad I did! I couldn't believe this neat old building just sitting there next to the rail road tracks right on the edge of down town. Since it was late Sunday afternoon, most of the businesses were closed and I was able to set up in the parking lot right across the street for this scene. I painted without any interruption except for a few people who stopped by to see what I was doing. I finished this up just as the sun was setting.  This painting will be available at the show and sale starting Friday, June 3rd at Charauqua Auditorium until Sunday, June 6th.


 Try as I might, I could not get a picture without glare on it before I had to turn it in.

Visit my web site and blog to see more of my work.


Doug Nutsch said…
This is great! Love how the little swatches of color in the foreground pull it all together and lead you into the painting.

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