Day 7 of the 50 Paintings in 50 Days Challenge - You Think That Means Me? by George De Chiara

You Think That Means Me?
6x6 inches
Oil on Canvas Panel
George De Chiara

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Day 7 of my painting challenge. Wow, this first week has flown by! I've wanted to paint this picture for some time. It's from a photograph I took last year while my wife and I where on vacation in Corpus Christi. One day, we stopped at one of the little fishing piers scattered around the bay side of the gulf to do some exploring when I spotted this seagull sitting on top of this gate. I like the way the scene looked with him on the gate and the Keep Out sign, so I got out my camera to take a picture of it. I couldn't believe it when he looked down. It looked like he was actually reading the sign. I quickly snapped off as many photographs as I could to capture this. Luckily for me, my camera will take just over 3 pictures a second. When I started thinking about what I was going to paint today, I remembered this day and immediately found my photo reference from it. The only thing I really had to do was move the sign up so everything fit into this 6x6 inch canvas.

To see my step-by-step demo of this painting coming to life visit my blog here.

To see more of my work and all of the challenge paintings so far visit my website.


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