by Nancy Medina
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Earthly Delights is a new red tulip painting drying on the easel, following an event-filled day here in Flower Mound Studio. The landscapers arrived at 8 am sharp to install our new hydrangea beds, and mortar a beautiful border around all of our yard. They are installing a rose trellis and red climbing roses, a new hydrangea tree (see the pictures on my blog!), two new crepe myrtles and various other colorful new additions to the flower family here.
Imagine the shock, however, when AnnieBee discovered that the doggy door had been barricaded, thus preventing her essential service as a vocal supervisor for important back yard construction activities. Not only was she prevented from this duty, she was not informed in advance that she would be barred from such activities, so she has filed a formal complaint with an investigatory body, the members of which are yet to be appointed. Howard Pee Pugpants decided to take advantage of inspection duties later in the evening, after the workers had left the scene. At this point, he promptly rolled in the manure enriched soil beds for half an hour, until his mother discovered, to her horror, he was eating the manure enriched soil, claiming a lack of minerals in his diet. Howard and Annie both are now on indoor restrictions until a time as yet to be determined.