Little Man ~ Rooster Painting and Growing Up on an Organic Farm by Texas Artist Nancy Medina

Little Man ~ Rooster by Nancy Medina
Oil on Gallery Wrap Canvas

Nancy Medina Web Site

Little Man ~ Rooster, is a new painting drying on the easel in Flower Mound Studio. I've been wanting to paint chickens for weeks, they are as colorful as flowers and just as unpredictable. We had fresh eggs from the chickens we raised growing up. My Dad named our little farm The Briar Patch and each of us girls was assigned certain chores, and each had a different animal to take care of. The chickens lived in a little A-framed coop surrounded (aptly) by a pen of chicken wire. Every morning we would gather warm brown eggs from the coop, they were large and sometimes there would be double yolkers. The egg yolks were a deep, warm yellow color, nothing like the watery yellow of store-bought eggs. I'd like to tell you that life on the farm was glamorous and chickens were cuddley, but neither of those statements were true. What was true was that I would not change my childhood for anything, growing up out in the country, away from the city, was a beautiful way to develop imagination and wonder. Most of all, it was a great way to learn to love nature and the creatures of this earth. I am thankful for that time in my life, it was so unspoiled. The pugs and I wish every one of you a happy Thanksgiving holiday. I am thankful for your friendship and for the comments and thoughts you share. I hope you have loved ones nearby today!


Leada Wood said…
I love your little man Nancy! So colorful and cocky! I like painting rooster too.

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