Storm's Coming
If you live anywhere close to Brownwood, TX, take a day trip to view the Stars of Texas Juried Art Exhibit. Sponsored by the Brownwood Art Council, this exhibit attracts artists from all over the state. This year, 130 pieces of art and photography were juried into the show out of the over 350 pieces entered. I was honored to have my "Storm's Coming" chosen for the exhibit. Information for the exhibit is as follows:
Dates: February 5-17
Time: Sun. - 1-4pm; weekdays - 9-6pm; Sat. - 9-4
Reception: Sat. 7-9pm; Awards - 8pm
Depot Civic and Cultural Center
600 E. Depot
Brownwood, Tx
Also, much of the art not juried into the exhibit will be shown at the Art Center, 215 Fisk. Open hours will be the same as the Depot.
Hope you can make it!