Dawn Blossoms and a New Container Garden Painting by Texas Artist Nancy Medina

Dawn Blossoms Container Garden
by Nancy Medina

Dawn Blossoms is a new container garden under construction in Flower Mound Studio tonight, as the pug assistants provide supportive snores from their pillows. They're absolutely exhausted from all the excitement today. The first exciting turn of events involved watching their mom jump up and down when she learned two of her paintings were accepted by the Dallas Arboretum Garden Gallery show. The second exciting event was the discovery that foster pug Hannah had come down with the rare condition called "Pecan Toe". It seemed the empty husk of a pecan had wrapped itself around one of her little pink toes. Fortunately, it was removed without any discomfort whatsoever, except for a very small bruise to her pride. I reassured Hannah we would never speak of this embarrassing incident again most especially in mixed company (I'm typing, not speaking, so technically I haven't exactly broken my promise...right?). Visit my art blog today to see a peek at the whole new container garden painting under construction!


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