Tandy Hills
6x8 inches
Oil on canvas panel
George De Chiara
We've been very lucky to have so much rain this spring. Not only is everything green and our lakes are filled back up from last year's drought, but we've had one of the best wildflower shows in years. It seems like every field, ditch and unmown area has something blooming in it. While we are getting past the peak now, I was able to get out a few times when things were really going strong and paint. This painting is from Tandy Hills, a wonderful nature area just outside Fort Worth. All of the fields were in full of color when I went there. Unfortunately, you can also see the results of last years drought. That little pine just couldn't make it, but it did go out in a blaze of color.
To see more of my work visit my website- http://georgedechiara.com/