Kenneth Powell by Suzy 'Pal' Powell

Kenneth was in the 31st NCR (Naval Construction Regiment) Seabee Band, during the Viet Nam era.
he went in November 1966 and got out in March 1970. He got out 9 months early because the war was winding down.  He played at many many parades, including the Rose Parade, and played for Bob Hope, and many other celebrities.  He was stationed in Port Hueneme, California, and I got to be with him the whole time.  We were very blessed.  He traveled a lot...they went to Hawaii three times, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon, etc.  Their main job though, was to play for the battalions leaving for Viet Nam, and the battalions coming home from Viet Nam. He let me go with him a couple of times when an airplane was coming in, but he never let me go for the departures. It was very depressing for him.  To go and play 'Anchors Away' (Aweigh is in some songs) and see them leave, knowing some wouldn't be back. I am very proud of the time he spent honoring those soldiers and our beautiful America.

Ken will be 66 tomorrow, July 1st, and he went in the Navy in '66. So that is why the 66!

This collage painting was done using a 43 year old newspaper clipping that someone sent us before we came home. I wish we had the original!  There is an airplane in the back ground and I may add it.

By the way, For those who don't know, the reason I sign my paintings Suzy 'Pal'  is because Ken always signed his notes and letters, 'Pal'
