Basking in the Sun

Basking in the Sun
Galveston Island, Texas
6 x 8
Oil on Panel
Randall Cogburn

Price: $150 + s/h

Nice day today in Galveston. Warm day but windy with some cool slightly foggy air I guess you could say developing over the water as I painted. The sun poking through every now and then made for some interesting views. Lucked up on this shrimper or crabber, not sure which to call it, docked at a marina. In the distance is an island I once did a painting from a kayak trip. I've piddle paddled around in this bay plenty of times. Once did a trip from that island in pitch black and had to navigate back to shore with the gps, luckily I knew how to turn on the light on it otherwise I might have camped out the night as my destination was about 2 miles away.

If your in Galveston I'm in the Galveston Art League Juried show and won first place with the painting "Last Wave". Also in the show is a painting called Passing Wave. Both will be in the show until end of February. 


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