Zen Moments: In The Garden-98- Original Photography by Texas Contemporary Artist Denise Bossarte Zen Moments - In The Garden 98 © Denise Bossarte Artist of Texas Signature Member #nalandamiksang, #wayofseeing, #lookingandseeing A piece from my Zen Moments portfolio, In The Garden series. Lovely morning at the Gardens last week, right after a the rain went through to wet everything. I ended up shooting a bit in the rain when it came back around. Umbrella in one hand Camera in the other! Contact me photos@foundworlds.com Find more of my art at: www.foundworlds.com http://denise-bossarte.artistwebsites.com / - buy art here http://denise-bossarte.pixels.com/ - iPhone and Galaxy Cases here! http://www.cfai.co/#!denise-bossarte/c1ure www.foundworldsphotography.blogspot.com
Deep in the Heart of Texas you can find a vast array of hidden artists from the valley to the plains, to the deep woods in east Texas...to the Gulf and back to the heart of our state in central Texas. art, paintings, oil paintings, watercolor paintings, acrylic, Texas longhorns, horse art, landscapes, flower art, contemporary art, mixed medium, palette knife painting, collages