12" x 16" Oil Painting "Stormy Night" by Mark Nesmith (and being happy when it rains)

Stormy Night
by Mark Nesmith
Oil on Canvas
12" x 16"

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I've always loved watching the sky when it rains, especially the moments just before and after a storm. The light takes on such a dramatic cast and even the most familiar sights seem new. We'd had some pretty big storms in SE Texas on this day, but by the time sunset rolled around the rain was leaving. What remained were these incredible cloud heads and the flicker of light just above the horizon. So many lovely tints and subtle shifts of color in this sky, from light mint greens through pinks and violets and deep blues. I painted just a few days apart from "Cloudburst" and it testifies to the endless variety of a Texas sky. This was another of those rare gifts that seemed to paint itself.
