Angry Magpie
16" x 8" Oil on RayMar Cotton Panel
This is one of my son's favorite I gifted it to him for Christmas. I think that this magpie has spunk and character. Mixing my cool and warm greys was experimental and a good lesson on values. The brush strokes are loose and deliberate giving this magpie a painterly look. I was thrilled that Blake was very fond of this painting, as I will be able to see it knowing where it lives.
Our Christmas was very special with our youngest grandson coming home from the hospital on Christmas Eve. Peter Thomas Henry is our Christmas miracle!
It's hard to get a photo of these busy little guys, as Oliver and Charlie are on the move most of the time. I have had lots of family time lately, and very little studio time---I have a new series of paintings that I can't wait to work on! Thanks for looking at this blog...Kay Wyne