"X Marks the Spot" Fall Foliage Painting by Contemporary Impressionist Niki Gulley

"X Marks the Spot" ©2018 by Niki Gulley
SOLD • 16" x 20" original textured oil painting

Just Sold! I painted this piece on location when the fall colors were starting to peak in all of their glory.  I was drawn to how the autumn leaves glowed when back lit by the sun and the water’s surface reflected brilliantly where the light raked across it. Off in the distance, two trees criss crossed almost like they were marking this spot for me to paint! There was a peacefulness created by the rhythmic sounds of the trickling water, and I hope you are transported to this place where all of your cares drift away.

To see more of my contemporary landscape paintings online, visit NikiGulley.com.

E-mail Niki Gulley for more information on her aspen and birch tree palette knife paintings.


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