“Cacophony" ©2022 Niki Gulley
30” x 30" textured mixed media painting
on 1.5" wrap around canvas with the painting continuing around the edges
For more details and to purchase "Cacophony," visit nikigulley.com/cacophony/.
If you're in Columbus this weekend, please stop by my exhibit at the Columbus Arts Festival:
Columbus Arts Festival
Columbus, OH
Downtown riverfront in the Scioto Mile
Booth #M545 on Main St.
Fri. June 10 • 11am – 9pm
Sat. June 11 • 10am – 9pm
Sun. June 12 • 10am – 5pm
For more information on my textured palette knife paintings, please e-mail me at Niki Gulley.
Or, please visit my website at NikiGulley.com to see more of my contemporary landscape paintings.